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World first in Italy: LeitPilot® used for first time ever on a gondola lift at the Rosskopf in Sterzing
Thanks to the close ties between the Rosskopf skiing area and the ropewaymanufacturer LEITNER, another milestone has now been achieved in this traditionallysuccessful collaboration. The GD10 “Rosskopf” will be the first gondola lift to beequipped with the new LeitPilot® technology. This lays the essential groundwork forautomated station operation, thus making a major contribution to boosting efficiencyand saving resources.The two Sterzing-based companies LEITNER and Neue Rosskopf GmbH have beensteadily increasing their close collaboration in recent years. The most recent example of thiswas the construction of the new 10-seater gondola lift in 2022. Sterzing's local mountain isnow once again the site of a groundbreaking world first: the test run for LEITNER's newLeitPilot® automation technology. For many years now, the ropeway manufacturer has beenfocusing its research and development efforts on increasing operational efficiency andautomation to save energy and resources.“As a local company, we are proud to work with Neue Rosskopf GmbH to promote innovationand progress through cutting-edge technologies such as the new LeitPilot®. These solutionsreflect not only our pursuit of the highest quality and continuous optimisation, but also ourjoint goal of offering passengers an unforgettable experience,” says Martin Leitner, Memberof the Board of LEITNER S.p.A..Autonomous station operation through real-time monitoringWith LeitPilot®, the company is now laying the essential groundwork for the future“unmanned” operation of ropeway stations. The technology is based on real-time monitoringusing advanced LIDAR sensors to monitor the vehicle pit and cameras for the loading andunloading area, as well as the area around the station. In addition, the newly developedsafety devices also include safety doors and emergency stop switches. These extensiveprotective measures will ensure passengers always remain within the designated safe areasof the station. They can also enjoy even smoother embarking and disembarking thanks to LeitPilot®'s optimised cabin guides. These guides ensure the cabins are optimally stabilisedin the station turnaround, thus providing a high level of comfort.If an extraordinary situation arises that makes it necessary to shut down the installation, thecentral monitoring system, which itself is constantly monitored by a staff member on site,comes into play. This guarantees maximum safety and assistance for passengers and animmediate resumption of operation of the installation.Smart technology for new and existing systemsIn the future, LeitPilot® can be integrated into both new and existing systems to helpoptimise the deployment of human resources while ensuring safe operation. The systemcan also be optimally adapted to different station configurations, such as HCL (high-capacityloading) stations. The system is currently being tested at the Rosskopf to support manualmonitoring of embarking and disembarking. Once the trial phase has been successfullycompleted, the plan is to deploy LeitPilot® in autonomous operation.“LeitPilot® marks a real turning point for our ski area. With this cutting-edge, autonomoustechnology, we are not only setting new standards in safety and efficiency, but also creatinglong-term benefits by significantly reducing staff costs. At the same time, LeitPilot® enablesus to respond even more flexibly to our passengers' needs and to position Rosskopf as apioneer in ski area innovation. The close and successful collaboration with our fantasticpartner LEITNER is invaluable—together, we are shaping the future of winter sports andsetting new standards for the entire industry,” enthuses Paul Eisendle, CEO of NeueRosskopf GmbH.

Kategorie: Ropeway world news
Datum: 23. 1. 2025 12:19:12