Welcome to Lift-World. With this internet page we want to inform you about the world of ropeways.
In our database you find technical data, photos and videos of ropeways worldwide. You can either navigate with the world map or using the search function.
At Knowledge & Technology we explain to you the technics of a ropeway.
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World first in Italy: LeitPilot® used for first time ever on a gondola lift at the Rosskopf in Sterzing
Thanks to the close ties between the Rosskopf skiing area and the ropewaymanufacturer LEITNER, another milestone has now been achieved in this traditionallysuccessful collaboration. The GD10 “Rosskopf” will be the first gondola lift to beequipped with the new LeitPilot® technology. This lays ....
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Lifts repdigit!
22222 ropeways are now in the database! And nearly 70 thousand pictures! Thanks to all, who are supporting us ....
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Opening Matterhorn Alpine Crossing
The waiting is over: The opening of the new 3S cableway from the Matterhorn Glacier Paradise mountain station at 3883 metres above sea level to the Testa Grigia valley station marks the completion of the Matterhorn Alpine Crossing. With immediate effect, passengers can embark on the scenic trip ....
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