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Lift-Database » Lifts in the world

 St. Vigil / San Vigilio, St. Vigil, San Vigilio

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: 4 m/s
Route distance: 295,42 m
Maximum capacity: 1200 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2005/09 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 

Height of valley station: 1468 m
Travel time: 4,28 min
Height of mountain station: 1804 m
Driving speed line: 5,34 m/s
Route distance: 1364 m
Maximum capacity: 2600 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1992 
Lift manufacturer: Agamatic 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1738 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1861 m
Driving speed line: 4,5 m/s
Route distance: 580,15 m
Maximum capacity: 2400 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1994/10 
Lift manufacturer: Agamatic 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1221 m
Travel time: 4,75 min
Height of mountain station: 1468 m
Driving speed line: 6,0 m/s
Route distance: 1711 m
Maximum capacity: 3000 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2011 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: 6,00 m/s
Route distance: 631,75 m
Maximum capacity: 3600 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2005 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: 6,00 m/s
Route distance: 752,39 m
Maximum capacity: 2700 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2005 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 
Seasontime: ❄ ☀

Height of valley station: 1736,2 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 2011 m
Driving speed line: 6,0 m/s
Route distance: 858,97 m
Maximum capacity: 2200 (2400) Pers/h
Year of construction: 2001 
Lift manufacturer: Agamatic 

Height of valley station: 1698,5 m
Travel time: 2,88 min
Height of mountain station: 1842 m
Driving speed line: 5,0 m/s
Route distance: 572,01 m
Maximum capacity: 2700 Pers/h
Year of construction: 2019 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 

Height of valley station: 1748 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 2273 m
Driving speed line: 5,0 m/s
Route distance: 1574 m
Maximum capacity: 3200 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1996 
Lift manufacturer: Agamatic 

Height of valley station: 1213 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1252 m
Driving speed line: 4 m/s
Route distance: 381 m
Maximum capacity: 2400 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1989/18 
Lift manufacturer: Agamatic 

Height of valley station: 1207 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1288 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 307 m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: ???? 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 1968 
Lift manufacturer: Nascivera 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 599 m
Maximum capacity: 1028 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1978 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 1968 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: 500 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1967 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1221 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1468,08 m
Driving speed line: 5,0 m/s
Route distance: 1707,21 m
Maximum capacity: 3000 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1990 
Lift manufacturer: Agamatic 

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1753 m
Maximum capacity: 1312 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1978 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1218,5 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1333,12 m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 602,81 m
Maximum capacity: 570 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1965 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1218,5 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1333,12 m
Driving speed line: 2,3 m/s
Route distance: 602,81 m
Maximum capacity: 1781 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1990 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1348,74 m
Maximum capacity: 300 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1962 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1204 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1620,40 m
Driving speed line: 2,2 m/s
Route distance: 1321,51 m
Maximum capacity: 900 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1979 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 1968 
Lift manufacturer: Nascivera 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 878 m
Maximum capacity: 1783 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1987 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 1977 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: 1681,5 m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: 1819,5 m
Driving speed line: 2,0 m/s
Route distance: 541 m
Maximum capacity: 2400 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1989 
Lift manufacturer: Doppelmayr 

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 1981 
Lift manufacturer: Agudio 
Seasontime: ??

Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: 1624 m
Maximum capacity: 720 Pers/h
Year of construction: 1973 
Lift manufacturer: Leitner 
Seasontime: ??

10-MGD  Col Toron
Height of valley station: ?? m
Travel time: ?? min
Height of mountain station: ?? m
Driving speed line: ?? m/s
Route distance: ?? m
Maximum capacity: ?? Pers/h
Year of construction: 202? 
Lift manufacturer: ?? 
Seasontime: ??

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  Olang / Valdaora
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Place-ID: 1607